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Iventoy crashes if Window...
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08-30-2024, 02:42 PM
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iventoy boot .wim, .vhd(x...
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Boot ventoy from iso file...
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哪位大神 可以编写自动安装脚本
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08-17-2024, 01:55 PM
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  CentOS 7 不支持MBR 引导?
Posted by: yang8393 - 12-31-2020, 02:44 AM - Forum: Ventoy Discussion Forum - Replies (6)

版主好,ventoy 我使用的是最新版,经过测试 CentOS 7.6 采用 MBR 引导,就报错,报错如图1 和 2 ,一个是物理机测试拍照图片,一个是 vmware workstation 截图;在物理机用 UEFI 启动就正常,CentOS 6.5 MBR 引导没问题

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  At the end of copiing the iso files
Posted by: iliyan_pi - 12-30-2020, 08:44 PM - Forum: Ventoy Discussion Forum - Replies (5)

At the end of copiing the iso files I get a message "can not change attributes of file XXX.iso". How to overcome?
Thamk You.

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solved [SOLVED] 关于Ventoy引导legacy安装RHEL7问题
Posted by: benben - 12-28-2020, 10:38 AM - Forum: Ventoy Discussion Forum - Replies (22)


u disk:MBR (8g) 
(该版本中1.0.31 GPT方式,方案1无法规避,不知是不是版本更替里面的兼容性问题。)


1 引导iso进入dracut界面(图1,2)
2 对比采用dd方式ventoy查看legacy引导时设备加载提示只有u disk分区,无dm-0(图3)
3 对比采用dd方式cd引导legacy时设备加载有sr0指向iso镜像挂载(图4)
4 对比采用dd方式ventoy引导uefi时设备加载有dm-0的指向iso镜像挂载(图5)


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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solved 【Solved】plugin control
Posted by: geole - 12-25-2020, 02:37 PM - Forum: Ventoy Plugin Forum - Replies (4)

Before version 31, by pressing the F5 key, I could check the consistency of scripts Since I installed version 31, I have an error imessage:

plugin json file /ventoy.json does NOT exists

Certainly related to the newness of version 31. I had completely remade the key.
if /ventoy is absent, it should also look in /Ventoy!
ls -ls Ventoy
total 512
128 drwxrwxrwx 1 a a 131072 déc.  23 19:38 ISO
128 drwxrwxrwx 1 a a 131072 déc.  24 19:42 Menus
128 drwxrwxrwx 1 a a 131072 déc.  24 19:57 persistence
128 -rwxrwxrwx 1 a a  1262 déc.  24 19:44 ventoy.json


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  Questions regarding Secure Boot support. How to un-enrolled the key?
Posted by: m.fessler - 12-23-2020, 05:19 AM - Forum: Ventoy Discussion Forum - Replies (2)

Hello everybody,

first of all, thank you very much for this great tool!
I have a few questions about Secure Boot support - maybe someone can help me:

If I understand correctly, the "enrolled" key is saved in the EFI.
How can this be reversed?
I have reset the keys and all settings to default in the BIOS and even reflashed the BIOS - but the key remained.
With a Live Linux and mokutil --delete or --reset with subsequent confirmation in the "MOK Manager" worked - is that the right way?
An option for this in Ventoy might come in handy.

A Ventoy Stick with Secure Boot support also works perfectly on a device without (or with deactivated) Secure Boot.
Why then Secure Boot support is optional at all and not always automatically activated?

How do other Live CDs such as PartedMagic does this?
These boot with Secure Boot without having to import a key.

Thanks and happy holidays!

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solved [SOLVED] Persistence with Ventoy 1.29 and Mint 20
Posted by: SmackDown - 12-22-2020, 11:34 PM - Forum: Ventoy Discussion Forum - Replies (4)

I successfully had persistence working with an earlier version of ventoy and Mint 20 but now with Ventoy 1.29 it does not seem to work .
Here is my json file. If I check under tools using the F5 key on boot it says persistence is working but files do not seem to persist after a reboot

    "persistence" : [
            "image": "/ISO/linuxmint-20-cinnamon-64bit.iso",
            "backend": "/Persistence/Mint-Persist.dat",
            "autosel": 1

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solved [SOLVED] Memtest86
Posted by: invex - 12-22-2020, 06:41 PM - Forum: Ventoy Discussion Forum - Replies (2)

Will Ventoy support Memtest86 8.4?
I tried to boot it using Memdisk but it wouldn't boot.

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  About virus
Posted by: geole - 12-20-2020, 11:56 AM - Forum: Ventoy Discussion Forum - Replies (3)


About this discussion https://github.com/ventoy/Ventoy/issues/660

For me

......   For the libraray

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 8903510
Engine version: 0.102.4
Scanned directories: 11
Scanned files: 63
Infected files: 3
Data scanned: 15.27 MB
Data read: 4011.18 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
Time: 39.144 sec (0 m 39 s)
clamscan -r ventoy-1.0.30 | grep Trojan
LibClamAV Warning: cli_scanxz: decompress file size exceeds limits - only scanning 27262976 bytes
/home/a/ventoy-1.0.30/tool/x86_64/xzcat: Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7640640-0 FOUND
/home/a/ventoy-1.0.30/tool/x86_64/hexdump: Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7640640-0 FOUND
/home/a/ventoy-1.0.30/tool/x86_64/ash: Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7640640-0 FOUND

and for the USB KEY
clamscan -r /mnt | grep Trojan
/mnt/ventoy/ventoy.cpio: Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7640640-0 FOUND

what to decide ?

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Photo 为什么会有个安全启动选项。
Posted by: Aihei_xizuo - 12-19-2020, 04:49 PM - Forum: Ventoy Discussion Forum - Replies (2)

ventoy-1.0.30 版本制作
配置选项  没勾选安全启动支持提示下图 安全引导

Angel 用其他PE工具EasyU 制作U盘PE进入没提示 
想知道这个和其他工具制作的 区别。

[Image: rU0Swq.png]

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  Hello, I have a total of 3 external hard drives: 2x 3,5" (2TB resp. 1TB) and 1x 2,5"
Posted by: Werniman - 12-18-2020, 11:49 PM - Forum: Ventoy Discussion Forum - Replies (1)

I have a total of 3 external hard drives:  2x 3,5" (2TB resp. 1TB) and 1x 2,5" (4TB). I use Ventoy 1.0.30.  On the two 3.5" hard drives I can install Ventoy normally. It doesn't matter whether I use the MBR or the GPT partition style.  I can boot from both hard drives without any problems.
When I install Ventoy on the 2.5" hard drive, I can only do it in GPT partition style (because MBR only supports hard drives up to 2TB). However, when I boot from this drive, I only get a black screen with "VT" in the upper left corner. is displayed.  I had the same problem with the old version 1.0.27, but then it was not "VT", but "GR". is displayed at boot time.  Why won't Ventoy boot from this hard drive ?

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