Ventoy Discussion Forum
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- "auto_install" (14 Replies)
- MX-Linux Persistance Only AFTER Boot ? (8 Replies)
- [SOLVED] ventoy version display problem (2 Replies)
- [SOLVED] ventoy version (4 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Lakka 3.1 IMG : Boot Issue (3 Replies)
- Ventoy UEFI boot issue (8 Replies)
- [SOLVED] sda access from linux (9 Replies)
- TinyCore with Ventoy (1 Reply)
- Compile Ventoy on a different architectures (0 Replies)
- Unable to run iso's (12 Replies)
- Partition Style? (1 Reply)
- linux os boot (4 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Rescuezilla : invalid magic number (5 Replies)
- Can't Ventoy create a hard drive bootloader? (1 Reply)
- [SOLVED] Problem Screen in Legacy Mode (3 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Ventoy 1.0.44 no initial boot (7 Replies)
- [SOLVED] How to correctly add "image_list" to ventoy.json (6 Replies)
- Isn't Ventoy's second partition resizing supported? (1 Reply)
- Dat file size change possible? (9 Replies)
- [SOLVED] How to Extend DAT file (1 Reply)