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1.0.46 version bug

Hidden Shortcuts

After applying the theme
Shortcut keys on first boot
"s?" is expressed.

If I use the hotkey again after switching to another mode in this state, it works fine.


1. keyboard shortcut not working.
2. It does not return to the previous menu function.
3. "Boot to /ventoy/script/" I wish I didn't see it.
When you get the prompt menu(for you to select boot with or without auto install), that means all the things are OK and it's just about to boot.
So here all the shortcut will not work, you can do nothing else but to continue. That's how it designed.
(06-16-2021, 01:24 AM)longpanda Wrote: [ -> ]When you get the prompt menu(for you to select boot with or without auto install), that means all the things are OK and it's just about to boot.
So here all the shortcut will not work, you can do nothing else but to continue. That's how it designed.
Write "VTOY_DEFAULT_IMAGE":"F6> Windows Boot Menu" and
When booting...

Press F1/Ctrl+i/W/R/U shortcut to S? It will look like this:

Is this normal?



(06-16-2021, 01:24 AM)longpanda Wrote: [ -> ]When you get the prompt menu(for you to select boot with or without auto install), that means all the things are OK and it's just about to boot.
So here all the shortcut will not work, you can do nothing else but to continue. That's how it designed.
"VTOY_DEFAULT_IMAGE":"F6> Windows Boot Menu"


Q1 / Q2

The $? is a problem, I will research and fix it soon.

It can not return to previous menu here. You can only select one of the menus to continue here.

Full path is better (if you have two xml files with the same name but in different folders).
So I will not change it. You can put the xml in the root directory or in a folder with simple name (e.g. a)
So it will only show  /xxxx.xml or /a/xxx.xml
For Q1 $? problem, try this CI release