iVentoy Discussion Forum
Important Threads
- 【Important】How to update iVentoy version (6 Replies)
- 【重要】如何升级 iVentoy (0 Replies)
- iventoy支持异构CPU吗 (1 Reply)
- Kicksecure ISO dosn't seem compatible with iVentoy (0 Replies)
- Iventoy on Nas Synology (2 Replies)
- Boot Configuration - EFI Boot File (2 Replies)
- iventoy 购买专业版发送发送激活邮件无回复 (1 Reply)
- iventoy first try, dhcp proxy mode ? dhcp modes ? (1 Reply)
- who knows more details about "Variables Expansion" (0 Replies)
- Live Injection makes all the files owned by the user and 777 (0 Replies)
- iVentoy PXE Booting from Realtek RTL8125 (0 Replies)
- iventoy 1.0.20 crash (0 Replies)
- 欢迎iVentoy适配Circle Linux ISO (1 Reply)
- 求教,如何在iventoy内设置EFI部署。谢谢大家 (0 Replies)
- Installation looks streaky (1 Reply)
- 在启动时出现 后台服务不可用,页面即将关闭 (0 Replies)
- iventoy安装debian12.6花屏 (0 Replies)
- Installing SSL Certificate for web GUI? (0 Replies)
- iventoy-1.0.20添加win无人值守文件,进入setup界面自动重启 (0 Replies)
- Iventoy crashes if Windows 11 ISO Image ist too big (0 Replies)
- iventoy boot .wim, .vhd(x), .img, .efi..... (1 Reply)
- 关于iventoy跨网段的配置问题 (1 Reply)