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Full Version: iventoy first try, dhcp proxy mode ? dhcp modes ?
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I decided to give iVentoy a try !

Currently for netboot I use ipxe delivered with tftp from an openwrt router that is my main router.
My ISOs are delivered from a mounted usb key and through uhttp for http target

I was going to use a secondary openwrt router in dhcp proxy mode

But today I have installed iVentoy as an LXC in my proxmox server using the tteck install script, which were absolutely painless

Specifically I am using this install script


One thing I note is that the interface is open on port 26000 and does not appear to support https
(I would like to enable local self-signed ssl but that is low priority)
Also I think I will re-route to port 80 with iptables

Quote:apt install -y iptables ; iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 26000

Anyway, that's not my issue at the moment

So I've got iventoy going


And I'm trying to boot it from a proxmox EFI VM to try and install windows
And as you can see below, it does get an IP address, which is outside my router's range


With the following errors

bdsdxe loading Boot0002 "UEFI PXEv4 ...
bdsdxe failed to load Boot0002  ....  Access Denied

So, that does seem to be a fully standalone dhcp server ?
When it gives out leases, my dhcp server is not informed.
This causes the issue that the dns records for that hostname is not created.
Also when I look at my dhcp leases list on the main router I don't see clients leased from iVentoy

I also tried to find the dhcp server logs, but both journalctl not /var/log/*.log had those

So to recap this entire post

1. Cannot netboot due to bdsdxe failed to load Boot0002  ....  Access Denied
2. Why port 26000 / how to enable self-signed ssl
3. how to renable dhcp-proxy
4. where are the dhcp logs  (and tftp logs)

I think that covers it up for all my current issues before managing to make this works ?

I found a possible solution to #1, will let you know

Let me know if you have any advice, I think dhcp proxy, is an absolute must for working nicely with the main router, especially the dns

I have it now working.
You have to disable pre-enroll keys
Although it will also work with no EFI partition at all

But if you have an EFI partition and it does have pre-enrolled keys, then you get this

I tested all the following configuration and only the first one, didn't work, the bios version worked (with intel 440 chipset)

Now I'm curious to try the injection function to inject a windows answer file into the booting ISO

I searched, could not find how to enable dhcp proxy mode, will probably replace dhcpserver with dnsmasq which has this functionality.
I prefer to see all dhcp leases from my network from a single location

I think I will add webmin and samba and share the iso folder with write access and this will also become the place where all my ISOs are stored for all the other proxmox computers

BTW I remapped port 26000 to 80

with this command

#re-route port 443 to 8006
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8006
#make above rule permanent
apt update ; apt install iptables-persistent -y

I tried to also map 443 but got SSL not compatible error, seems like SSL+self-signed certificates are not enabled

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8006