The Ventoy ISO is created with one specific mission: Create/Update a Ventoy USB. It offers no other services. They work, although, it does need improvements that would be provided by ANY modern Window manager. In fact, excepting for the most die-hearts, EVERYONE understands use of a desktop window manager from Windows users, to noobs, to die-hearts...everyone. And EVERY window manager offers some basic services such as logout, reboot, shutdown, etc.
Having tested and used the Ventoy ISO I wonder if its author will consider a couple suggestions or ideas that would improve, at a glance, use that would work with everyone, yet yield the very things the authors wants a user to meet for USB creation:
The ideas presented here is offered as ideas to provide a consistent interface across all of the Ventoy build methods, where possible.
Having tested and used the Ventoy ISO I wonder if its author will consider a couple suggestions or ideas that would improve, at a glance, use that would work with everyone, yet yield the very things the authors wants a user to meet for USB creation:
- An example of one idea is for the Ventoy ISO author to review the RescueZilla ISO. Like Ventoy, it, too, is purpose-built and it offers much/most in its user interface that would meet what the Ventoy ISO author would want for Ventoy users. (THIS IS NOT a request to use Rescuezilla, merely it offers an example of a "user look" for Ventoy's ISO) There are many other ISO examples which are purpose-built that might be favorable to creates support screens which would be similar to what is used in Ventoy's Microsoft UI.
- Another purpose-built example is the GParted ISO (there are several other purpose-built example ISOs on the internet)
- Another idea is a Linux window manager that has a built-in means for the kind of screen UI that would match the UI used by Ventoy under Microsoft's desktop. These window managers, all, possess the capability for shutdown/restart that Ventoy would not need to bother itself with.
The ideas presented here is offered as ideas to provide a consistent interface across all of the Ventoy build methods, where possible.