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 iventoy crashes if there are SPARC iso images in the iso directory

iventoy crashes without an error message if there is a SPARC boot ISO image in the iso directory -- example:

[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$ pwd
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$ find iso -ls
72884227      4 drwxrwxr-x  2 xtrnaw7  xtrnaw7      4096 Jul 23 15:13 iso
72879983 748780 -rw-rw-r--  1 xtrnaw7  xtrnaw7  766750720 Jul 23 15:13 iso/sol-11_2-text-sparc.iso
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$ sudo  ./ status
iventoy is not running.
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$ sudo  ./ start
iventoy start SUCCESS PID=34111

Please open your browser and visit or http://x.x.x.x:26000 (x.x.x.x is any valid IP address)

[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$ ps -f -p 34111
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$ ps -ef | grep iventoy
xtrnaw7    34153  32013  0 15:13 pts/5    00:00:00 grep --color=auto iventoy
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$

[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$ cat log/log.txt
2023/07/23 15:13:29.467 [PXE]  ==========================================================
2023/07/23 15:13:29.467 [PXE]  ##########################################################
2023/07/23 15:13:29.467 [PXE]  ##################### IVENTOY RUN ########################
2023/07/23 15:13:29.467 [PXE]  ##########################################################
2023/07/23 15:13:29.467 [PXE]  ==========================================================
2023/07/23 15:13:29.485 [PXE]  ##################### IVENTOY [Linux 64] ################
2023/07/23 15:13:29.485 [PXE]  Module <Log> init start ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.485 [PXE]  Module <Log> init OK ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.485 [PXE]  Module <Plat> init start ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.486 [UTIL] Old system max open files: [1024    524288]
2023/07/23 15:13:29.486 [UTIL] New system max open files: [32768    32768]
2023/07/23 15:13:29.486 [PXE]  Module <Plat> init OK ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.486 [PXE]  Module <Cfg> init start ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.486 [PXE]  Module <Cfg> init OK ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.486 [PXE]  Module <MAC> init start ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.486 [PXE]  mac addr db init ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.505 [PXE]  mac addr db init OK, total 49002 records
2023/07/23 15:13:29.505 [PXE]  Module <MAC> init OK ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.505 [PXE]  Module <Tarfs> init start ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.520 [PXE]  iventoy.dat <8033336> <15042560> <1eb6c319>
2023/07/23 15:13:29.739 [PXE]  Extract iventoy.dat success.
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  ======= iVentoy 1.0.17 ========
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  tarfs find 179 files
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  Module <Tarfs> init OK ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  Module <OS> init start ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  cpio buf:0x7ff2addfb410 len:4409344 fixoff:343888
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  Module <OS> init OK ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  Module <IMG> init start ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  Scan iso directory for all image files ...
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  Add ISO <iso/sol-11_2-text-sparc.iso> size:766750720 type:0
2023/07/23 15:13:29.740 [PXE]  [1] Phase1 parse image <iso/sol-11_2-text-sparc.iso> <ISO> 0 starting...
[xtrnaw7@t15g /tools/iventoy]$

A refresh of a  running iventoy damoen after coping an SPARC ISO file into the directory with the ISO files stops after displaying the message:

Service unavailable, the page will close!

Tested with iventoy 1.0.17 on Fedora 38

sol-11_2-text-sparc.iso is the installation DVD for Solaris 11.2 on SPARC machines



Messages In This Thread
iventoy crashes if there are SPARC iso images in the iso directory - by bnsmb - 07-23-2023, 01:19 PM

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