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Solved iVentory on the same server as a different DHCP server (Pi-Hole)
So I stopped my DHCP server, started iVentoy and the tried to start the DHCP server again, but that didn't work because iVentoy was binding the port:

~ # netstat -tupln | grep iventoy
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      381110/iventoy     
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      381110/iventoy     
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      381110/iventoy     
udp        0      0    *                           381110/iventoy     
udp        0      0*                           381110/iventoy

2023/07/03 03:18:45.696 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"start_server","ip":"","mask":"","gw":"","pool_begin":"","pool_end":"","dns_server":""}>
2023/07/03 03:18:45.696 [DHCP] DHCP port 67(UDP) is occupied by another program now.
2023/07/03 03:19:44.761 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"start_server","ip":"","mask":"","gw":"","pool_begin":"","pool_end":"","dns_server":""}>
2023/07/03 03:19:44.761 [PXE]  Update Mask[ -->] GW[ -->]
2023/07/03 03:19:44.761 [PXE]  iVentoy service is starting ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.761 [DHCP] Old IP pool [ -] unuseable, free dhcp db.
2023/07/03 03:19:44.761 [PXE]  [1] Phase2 parse image <iso/HBCD_PE_x64.iso> <UDF> starting...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.761 [PXE]  [1] locate wim data (wims:1) ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.761 [PXE]  [2] Phase2 parse image <iso/Win10_22H2_German_x64v1.iso> <UDF> starting...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.761 [PXE]  [2] locate wim data (wims:1) ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.762 [PXE]  [1] ExtraBuf totlen:906600 tool:905408 autonum:0 injectlen:0
2023/07/03 03:19:44.762 [PXE]  [1] @@ locate wim file </sources/boot.wim> ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.762 [PXE]  [2] ExtraBuf totlen:906600 tool:905408 autonum:0 injectlen:0
2023/07/03 03:19:44.762 [PXE]  [2] @@ locate wim file </sources/boot.wim> ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.771 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"query_status"}>
2023/07/03 03:19:44.776 [PXE]  [1] @@@ overlen=8 overoff=13083052 fe_entry_size_offset=13082680 start_block=257 file_offset=1962133504
2023/07/03 03:19:44.785 [PXE]  [2] @@@ overlen=8 overoff=2603240 fe_entry_size_offset=2603064 start_block=304 file_offset=22818816
2023/07/03 03:19:44.796 [PXE]  [1] 575031 2274536 chunk_num=70
2023/07/03 03:19:44.804 [PXE]  [1] last chunk_size:3854 decompresslen:13544 tot:2274536
2023/07/03 03:19:44.804 [PXE]  [1] read lookup offset:1136294355 size:462950
2023/07/03 03:19:44.816 [PXE]  [1] search pecmd.exe 0x7f0a241fdbc8
2023/07/03 03:19:44.816 [PXE]  [1] search reg SYSTEM 0x7f0a24247d98
2023/07/03 03:19:44.816 [PXE]  [1] find system lookup entry_id:114 raw_size:8388608
2023/07/03 03:19:44.817 [PXE]  [2] 999124 5221896 chunk_num=139680926400672
2023/07/03 03:19:44.833 [PXE]  [1] 1533862 8388608 chunk_num=256
2023/07/03 03:19:44.838 [PXE]  [2] last chunk_size:2472 decompresslen:11784 tot:5221896
2023/07/03 03:19:44.838 [PXE]  [2] read lookup offset:694869551 size:775950
2023/07/03 03:19:44.854 [PXE]  [2] search pecmd.exe (nil)
2023/07/03 03:19:44.854 [PXE]  [2] search winpeshl.exe 0x7f0a281891a0
2023/07/03 03:19:44.854 [PXE]  [2] find replace file at 0x7f0a281891a0
2023/07/03 03:19:44.854 [PXE]  [2] search hash <b398925bedfcd765a7bff51f10c25d844f462baa>
2023/07/03 03:19:44.855 [PXE]  [2] find replace lookup entry_id:10642 raw_size:33280
2023/07/03 03:19:44.858 [PXE]  [1] last chunk_size:263 decompresslen:32768 tot:8388608
2023/07/03 03:19:44.858 [PXE]  [1] find registry cmdline i:12128 offset:(0x666798)6711192 size:(0x56)86
2023/07/03 03:19:44.858 [PXE]  [1] start offset is 0x66779c(6715292)
2023/07/03 03:19:44.858 [PXE]  [1] registry setup cmdline:<Pecmd.exe Main %Windir%\system32\Pecmd.ini>
2023/07/03 03:19:44.858 [PXE]  [1] @ directly use pecmd.exe 0x7f0a241fdbc8
2023/07/03 03:19:44.858 [PXE]  [1] find replace file at 0x7f0a241fdbc8
2023/07/03 03:19:44.858 [PXE]  [1] search hash <a58bae4d147d3ab1e818fb893d65e11f1c13707e>
2023/07/03 03:19:44.859 [PXE]  [1] find replace lookup entry_id:8516 raw_size:855040
2023/07/03 03:19:44.860 [PXE]  [2] 13272 33280 chunk_num=2
2023/07/03 03:19:44.860 [PXE]  [2] last chunk_size:144 decompresslen:512 tot:33280
2023/07/03 03:19:44.860 [PXE]  [2] jump exe </win/vtoypxe64.exe> len:187392 alignlen:187392
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] jump_exe_len:187392 bin_raw_len:1127340 bin_align_len:1128448
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] windows locate wim finish
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] Windows virt data new <Windows> ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] bootfix.bin data: 80 00 cd 13
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] Auto suppress BIOS cdrom prompt
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] Auto suppress UEFI cdrom prompt
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] UDF fill override data ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] PdSizeOffset=530624 tagOffset=530432
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] UDF tag valid OK, should match it.
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] UDF tag refresh OK.
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] ## virt wim file </sources/boot.wim> <695649605> <New:702777344> ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] file_entry and extend data in the same block.
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] fix tag override 224[2603024 - 2603248] 2603064 2603008 56
2023/07/03 03:19:44.861 [PXE]  [2] find target file, name_len:24, offset: 684304, upadte hash
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2] find target file, name_len:24, offset: 3412656, upadte hash
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2] update replace lookup entry_id:10642
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2] find meta lookup entry_id:1, update resource head and hash(5221896)
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2] Virt data ISO file size: 6154278912 6857056256
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2] ================ OVERRIDE DUMP ================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <0> [ 9816088 - 9816092 4 ]
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <1> [ 1056768 - 2531328 1474560 ]
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <2> [ 530432 - 530944 512 ]
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <3> [ 2603008 - 2603520 512 ]
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2] ================ OVERRIDE DUMP ================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2] ================ VIRT RANGE DUMP ================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <iso/Win10_22H2_German_x64v1.iso> WIM:1/1
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <01> [6154278912 - 6849929216 695650304 ] Remap
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <02> [6154278912 - 6154279120 208       ] Memory
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <03> [6849929216 - 6851057664 1128448   ] Memory
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <04> [6850116708 - 6850117732 1024      ] iVentoy Param
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <05> [6851057664 - 6856280064 5222400   ] Memory
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <06> [6851741968 - 6851741988 20        ] WIM BIN CHK
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <07> [6854470320 - 6854470340 20        ] WIM BIN CHK
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <08> [6856280064 - 6857056256 776192    ] Memory
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <09> [6856812194 - 6856812214 20        ] WIM BIN CHK
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2]  <10> [6856280144 - 6856280164 20        ] WIM META CHK
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2] ================ VIRT RANGE DUMP ================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.862 [PXE]  [2] Phase2 parse image <iso/Win10_22H2_German_x64v1.iso> finished success
2023/07/03 03:19:44.870 [PXE]  [1] 826767 855040 chunk_num=27
2023/07/03 03:19:44.873 [PXE]  [1] last chunk_size:1971 decompresslen:3072 tot:855040
2023/07/03 03:19:44.873 [PXE]  [1] jump exe </win/vtoypxe64.exe> len:187392 alignlen:187392
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] jump_exe_len:187392 bin_raw_len:1949100 bin_align_len:1949696
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] windows locate wim finish
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] Windows virt data new <WinPE> ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] UDF fill override data ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] PdSizeOffset=69824 tagOffset=69632
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] UDF tag valid OK, should match it.
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] UDF tag refresh OK.
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] ## virt wim file </sources/boot.wim> <1136759507> <New:1141450752> ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] file_entry and extend data in the same block.
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] fix tag override 428[13082640 - 13083068] 13082680 13082624 56
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] find target file, name_len:18, offset: 1165832, upadte hash
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] update replace lookup entry_id:8516
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] find meta lookup entry_id:0, update resource head and hash(2274536)
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] Virt data ISO file size: 3099203584 4240654336
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] ================ OVERRIDE DUMP ================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <0> [ 69632 - 70144 512 ]
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <1> [ 13082624 - 13083136 512 ]
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] ================ OVERRIDE DUMP ================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] ================ VIRT RANGE DUMP ================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <iso/HBCD_PE_x64.iso> WIM:1/1
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <01> [3099203584 - 4235964416 1136760832] Remap
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <02> [3099203584 - 3099203792 208       ] Memory
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <03> [4235964416 - 4237914112 1949696   ] Memory
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <04> [4236151908 - 4236152932 1024      ] iVentoy Param
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <05> [4237914112 - 4240189440 2275328   ] Memory
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <06> [4239079944 - 4239079964 20        ] WIM BIN CHK
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <07> [4240189440 - 4240654336 464896    ] Memory
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <08> [4240615270 - 4240615290 20        ] WIM BIN CHK
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1]  <09> [4240189470 - 4240189490 20        ] WIM META CHK
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] ================ VIRT RANGE DUMP ================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  [1] Phase2 parse image <iso/HBCD_PE_x64.iso> finished success
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  Update ipxe menu 1 ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  ================= IMG TREE DUMP =================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  HBCD_PE_x64.iso [1] <WIMS:1/1>
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  Win10_22H2_German_x64v1.iso [2] <WIMS:1/1>
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [PXE]  ================================================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [HTTP] HTTP PXE service starting ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [TFTP] TFTP service starting ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.875 [HTTP] HTTP PXE service is running on ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [TFTP] TFTP write thread is running 80 ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [DHCP] DHCP service starting ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [UTIL] Bind Socket( to Device br0
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [TFTP] TFTP service is running ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [NBD]  NBD service starting ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [PXE]  Now save iventoy config data ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [DHCP] DHCP service is running ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [HTTP] NBD service is running on ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [PXE]  iventoy config data (data/config.dat) save OK
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [PXE]  ===========================================================
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [PXE]         iVentoy 1.0.07 [Linux 64] is running now ...
2023/07/03 03:19:44.876 [PXE]  ===========================================================
2023/07/03 03:19:45.275 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"query_status"}>
2023/07/03 03:19:45.306 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"sys_ip_list"}>
2023/07/03 03:19:45.321 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"get_dhcp_mode"}>
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"stop_server"}>
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [PXE]  iVentoy service is stopping ...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [PXE]  Now save iventoy config data ...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [PXE]  iventoy config data (data/config.dat) save OK
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [PXE]  [1] image phase2 free for <iso/HBCD_PE_x64.iso>
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [PXE]  [1] wim location free
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [PXE]  [1] Windows virt data free <WinPE> ...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [PXE]  [2] image phase2 free for <iso/Win10_22H2_German_x64v1.iso>
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [PXE]  [2] wim location free
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [PXE]  [2] Windows virt data free <Windows> ...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [DHCP] DHCP service stop starting...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [DHCP] DHCP service stop finished OK
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [TFTP] TFTP service stop starting...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [TFTP] Wating for tftp write thread finish ...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [TFTP] tftp write thread finished OK
2023/07/03 03:20:48.598 [TFTP] Wating for tftp read thread finish ...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [TFTP] tftp read thread finished OK
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [TFTP] TFTP service stop finished OK
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [HTTP] HTTP PXE service stop starting...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [HTTP] HTTP PXE master stop starting...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [HTTP] HTTP PXE master stop finished OK
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [HTTP] HTTP PXE service stop finished OK
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [NBD]  NBD service stop starting...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [NBD]  NBD master stop starting...
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [NBD]  NBD master stop finished OK
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [NBD]  NBD service stop finished OK
2023/07/03 03:20:48.599 [PXE]  iVentoy service stop OK.
2023/07/03 03:20:48.605 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"query_status"}>
2023/07/03 03:20:48.667 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"sys_ip_list"}>
2023/07/03 03:20:48.683 [HTTP] API request: <{"method":"get_dhcp_mode"}>

Messages In This Thread
RE: iVentory on the same server as a different DHCP server (Pi-Hole) - by BrainStone - 07-03-2023, 01:25 AM

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