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Graphics Out of Sync On ISO Startup
(08-29-2020, 06:15 PM)GreatViews Wrote: I am having the same issue, which happens not only on Windows PE iso's, but also on Linux ones as well.  I'm using legacy boot.  I can confirm that the issue seems to be dependent on the iso's position in the list.  In some directories, if the iso is listed first, third, fifth, or any other ODD number, it fails.  If it is listed second, fourth, sixth, or any other EVEN number, it succeeds.  In other folders, it's the reverse--if the iso is listed in an ODD position, it succeeds, but if it is listed in an EVEN position, it fails.  If add an iso to the directory before the iso in question, it will switch that iso from being ODD to EVEN (or vice versa) and it will start working when it was not working before (or vice versa).

My workaround is to have duplicate iso's for everything I care about.  One named ***-A and one named ***-B.  Since they will be listed next to each other, one will always be listed in an odd position and the other in an even position.  So one of them will always work.

An interesting thing is that sometimes an iso will be listed in an odd position in the tree view and in an even position in the list view.  In that case, it will work if launched from the list view and it will fail if launched from the tree view.
Yes, confirm Linux also same issue. Seem happen to high resolution VGA output only. On my old Acer 1366 resolution works fine.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Graphics Out of Sync On ISO Startup - by cscs - 08-26-2020, 02:01 AM
RE: Graphics Out of Sync On ISO Startup - by cscs - 08-31-2020, 12:58 PM
RE: Graphics Out of Sync On ISO Startup - by cscs - 09-03-2020, 05:45 AM
RE: Graphics Out of Sync On ISO Startup - by cscs - 09-08-2020, 11:43 PM
RE: Graphics Out of Sync On ISO Startup - by cscs - 09-10-2020, 04:11 AM
RE: Graphics Out of Sync On ISO Startup - by jmax - 08-13-2021, 09:26 AM

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