Hope there is no rule here of necroposting and resurrecting ancient posts. HeH 
First of all, Hi :-h, i'm new here and i come across this app/tool in my search for a way of booting OS off a USB device.
So the story is like this:
I had to do "sum" hocus-pocus mubo-jumbo to recover my pc from a "not-working" state to a "exact-copy-working" state.
In my search/research i found out that it had bootmgr messed up pretty good.
Anyway ... hastily and quickly i build up 2 physically bootable usb. One with AOMEI and one with Linux Puppy/LUPU.
They did the trick. Don't remember what i used for what, but i think i used them both.
Anyway, i managed to make a VHD copy of both, they boot up like a charm in virtual box as a standalone boot medium (i think i can call it) and searched/researched again a way to boot them both as VHD from the same USB. Then, this is how i come across this app.
This morning/last night, i found out about grubfm_multiarch.iso, so i swinged a shot at it to see if what i have in mind would work.
And Lo and behold, AOMEI partition worked like a charm. Exept the part that on a real pc, can't use the mouse. It's irrelephant right now...
But, with Linux Puppy/LUPU, i still have some issues, don't know if i can do something to it, or i need something else...
And i was curious what do you, experts out here, have to say about this.
This is the newest error that i get:

First of all, Hi :-h, i'm new here and i come across this app/tool in my search for a way of booting OS off a USB device.
So the story is like this:
I had to do "sum" hocus-pocus mubo-jumbo to recover my pc from a "not-working" state to a "exact-copy-working" state.
In my search/research i found out that it had bootmgr messed up pretty good.
Anyway ... hastily and quickly i build up 2 physically bootable usb. One with AOMEI and one with Linux Puppy/LUPU.
They did the trick. Don't remember what i used for what, but i think i used them both.
Anyway, i managed to make a VHD copy of both, they boot up like a charm in virtual box as a standalone boot medium (i think i can call it) and searched/researched again a way to boot them both as VHD from the same USB. Then, this is how i come across this app.
This morning/last night, i found out about grubfm_multiarch.iso, so i swinged a shot at it to see if what i have in mind would work.
And Lo and behold, AOMEI partition worked like a charm. Exept the part that on a real pc, can't use the mouse. It's irrelephant right now...
But, with Linux Puppy/LUPU, i still have some issues, don't know if i can do something to it, or i need something else...
And i was curious what do you, experts out here, have to say about this.
This is the newest error that i get: