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16gb usb shows only 8mb space after using ventoy.
Hi again,

I had given up the hope to solve the issue so I decided to f*ck around to know more.

I started exploring articles about how to recover data. I came across the below article.

I started using tools mentioned in the article.

As mentioned in earlier posts, it was clear that there was problem with partition table and usb was not corrupted as cat command reveled that block size was 16384 (I think it means 16*1024mb=16384MB=16GB).

So I used ddrescue and changed the structure using other articles but it did not solved the problem.

Then I came across below article

I followed it and it solved my problem. It did not recover the data but It allowed me to use the flash drive again.

I am no technical expert so I could not understand information reveled using ddrescue tool and could not recover the data but I am sure experts can. I think in problems of corrupted usb, ssd and hdd devices, ddrescue tool can definately give some insight to define the issue, which can allow to lay the strategy to troubleshoot the issue.

I hope this information can help to solve such problems in future.

Thanks to all of you again.[img][/img] Smile

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RE: 16gb usb shows only 8mb space after using ventoy. - by aniruddha1947 - 01-12-2023, 08:34 AM

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