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Full Version: screen garble problem when enter windows install
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First of all, please understand that the grammar is not natural as we used a translator.  I was experiencing a dhcp problem, but I solved the problem through Googling, and now I am suffering from a screen garble problem. I've tried every possible resolution, but nothing works. Of course, there is no problem when booting the iso file from USB. Looking at past threads on the forum, I see several people complaining about this issue. Why hasn't the bug been resolved yet?
Hello there,
I had the same issue, but not when i was testing with virtual machines, only when i went with physical hardware.
My solution was to change the resolution settings to "800x600"
-> go to "Configuration" and in the "boot configuration" you will find "boot resolution"
Hope it'll help you
(07-25-2024, 01:23 PM)brian-LOT Wrote: [ -> ]Hello there,
I had the same issue, but not when i was testing with virtual machines, only when i went with physical hardware.
My solution was to change the resolution settings to "800x600"
-> go to "Configuration" and in the "boot configuration" you will find "boot resolution"
Hope it'll help you
I also have no problems with vmware esxi. As you said, the same error occurs at all resolutions, including 800x600 resolution.