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Full Version: Custom Prompt / Shell-Window before installation starts
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I want to enter some data (like e.g. ComputerName) before the installation starts. I tried the solution from here:

Basically that's a Batch Script loaded via winpeshl.ini asking for user input.

Which works really well when the iso is loaded via USB (both plain USB or classic Ventoy). However, when loading the same iso via iVentoy it seems to be ignored / skipped and goes straight to the auto installer part.

I also tried via injection, but it's the same (though I can see in the log that VentoyAutoRun.bat is being executed, but no Shell window opens).

Host OS for iVentoy: openSUSE Linux
Version 1.0.18 Pro Edition
ISO: Windows 11 22h2

Hope you can give me some advice.

For VentoyAutoRun.bat:
There is no Window when run it. So no shell windows is available.

For winpeshl.ini:
iVentoy also use winpeshl.ini.
So in current release, iVentoy just create a new winpeshl.ini file (so it override the one that you injected).

I will fix this in the next release, then if there is already a winpeshl.ini file, iVentoy just append to the end of the file.

So you can wait for the next release, and use winpeshl.ini method.
But it should be noted that, you can not add  setup.exe in winpeshl.ini file, because iVentoy will add it to the end of winpeshl.ini file.
Your winpeshl.ini file can be as follows:

thanks a lot for taking care of this, really appreciate it!

Looking forward to the next release!


any news on that issue?

For anyone interrested, I got working around that issue by putting the following inside the "settings pass="windowsPE"" section in autounattend.xml:

<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
        <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
        <Path>cmd.exe /c X:\PreInstall.bat</Path>

The drawback of that method is, you cannot modify autounattend.xml via that bat since it has already been called.