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Inject files into windows
Here it is :

Quote:[2020/08/19 14:03:42.895] ######## VentoyJump ##########
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.895] argc = 1 argv[0] = <winpeshl.exe>
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.895] Current directory = <X:\windows\system32>
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.895] ReadWholeFile2Buf <winpeshl.exe>
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.895] Success read file size:162816
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.895] Find os pararm at 128000
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.895] SaveBuffer2File <ventoy\winpeshl.exe> len:33280
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.895] Logical Drives=0x80001c Path:<\ISO\Windows\Win10_2004_French_x64.iso>
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.895] File NOT exist under C:
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.942] File exist under D:
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.942] GetPhyDiskUUID D
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.942] D: is in PhysicalDrive1
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.942] Disk UUID match
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.942] Find ISO file <D:\\ISO\Windows\Win10_2004_French_x64.iso>
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.942] This is Windows 8 or latter...
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.942] VentoyMountISOByAPI <D:\\ISO\Windows\Win10_2004_French_x64.iso>
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.973] OpenVirtualDisk success
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] Mount iso by API success
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] Mount ISO FILE: SUCCESS
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] DeleteVentoyPart2MountPoint Phy1 ...
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] File E:\ventoy\ventoy.cpio exist
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] LogicalDrive:\\.\E: PhyDrive:1 Offset:123983626240 ExtentLength:33554432
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] PhyDisk=1 for E
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] Delete ventoy mountpoint: SUCCESS
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] auto install no need
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] decompress injection archive D:/ventoy/
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] DecompressInjectionArchive D:/ventoy/
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:0
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] MBR partition style
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] GetVentoyEfiPart StartSector: 242155520
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] Parse FAT fs...
[2020/08/19 14:03:42.988] CopyFileFromFatDisk (/ventoy/7z/64/7za.exe)==>(ventoy\7za.exe)
[2020/08/19 14:03:43.145] SaveBuffer2File <ventoy\7za.exe> len:1152000
[2020/08/19 14:03:43.160] extract inject to X:
[2020/08/19 14:03:43.160] cmdline:<ventoy\7za.exe x -y -aoa -oX:\ D:/ventoy/>
[2020/08/19 14:03:43.207] Ventoy jump success ...

It seems to be fine.

The file is actually in x:\sources\$OEM$\$1\Users\Public\Desktop

Is there something specific I missed to make it follow from WinPE to Windows 10 ?

Messages In This Thread
Inject files into windows - by Matlox - 08-19-2020, 10:01 AM
RE: Inject files into windows - by longpanda - 08-19-2020, 11:12 AM
RE: Inject files into windows - by Matlox - 08-19-2020, 12:13 PM
RE: Inject files into windows - by Matlox - 08-19-2020, 01:39 PM
RE: Inject files into windows - by longpanda - 08-20-2020, 01:12 AM
RE: Inject files into windows - by Matlox - 08-21-2020, 06:56 AM
RE: Inject files into windows - by longpanda - 08-21-2020, 01:22 PM
RE: Inject files into windows - by Matlox - 08-21-2020, 09:42 PM

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