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resolution and mouse support when working with ventoy
Query 1
Is the screen resolution when using the isos copied to a ventoy boot disk dependent on the laptop/Pc or is there a plug-in or setting in ventoy menu to refine or change or improve the same ?

I ask this because when using certain isos the resolution is so poor and scrolling does not work which means i cannot select certain functions/tabs/buttons which effectively means i canot use or exploit that iso program to create images or do partition management  work 

Query 2
My last query is whether mouse support on boot up is natively given by the laptop functionality or is there a generic mouse support for my touchpad available in Ventoy or one of its plugin

I ask because my touchpad mouse does not function on ventoy boot up but if i plug in a corded mouse into the usb port, i am able to use a mouse with Ventoy or the resident isos

Thank you

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resolution and mouse support when working with ventoy - by perfection - 11-07-2021, 05:28 AM

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