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Cannot install properly or open Ventoy - Printable Version

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Cannot install properly or open Ventoy - James Holmes - 05-20-2024

Hello everyone,

I have installed Vento;  find ventoy2disks64.exe in folders.  
When clicked to open it returns, "Don't run here, please use the install package".  
What is the path and filename for "the install package"?

I followed the instruction as best I could.  Did I do the install wrong, or is there more I need to do.
I looked through all the folders and that was the only .exe file with the program name that I could find. 

RE: Cannot install properly or open Ventoy - longpanda - 05-20-2024

Download the install package here:

RE: Cannot install properly or open Ventoy - - 05-20-2024

(05-20-2024, 12:55 PM)longpanda Wrote: Download the install package here:
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RE: Cannot install properly or open Ventoy - nguyen ha thai trong - 05-20-2024

You can record a screen clip of your Ventoy installation process, post it to YouTube (or somewhere) and then share the link on the forum for everyone to help you.

RE: Cannot install properly or open Ventoy - - 05-20-2024

(05-20-2024, 05:17 PM)nguyen ha thai trong Wrote: You can record a screen clip of your Ventoy installation process, post it to YouTube (or somewhere) and then share the link on the forum for everyone to help you.
check out:

OK - The issue seems to be that the external drive was plugged into a USB hub - when I connected it directly to the computer, I was able to successfully update the version. Sorry.

RE: Cannot install properly or open Ventoy - nguyen ha thai trong - 05-21-2024

(05-20-2024, 07:55 PM) Wrote:
(05-20-2024, 05:17 PM)nguyen ha thai trong Wrote: You can record a screen clip of your Ventoy installation process, post it to YouTube (or somewhere) and then share the link on the forum for everyone to help you.
check out:

OK - The issue seems to be that the external drive was plugged into a USB hub - when I connected it directly to the computer, I was able to successfully update the version.  Sorry.