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Full Version: Injection Plugin Wildcard Support
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Would it be possible to support something like the following? (Note the * wildcard in the image names)

"injection": [
"image": "/ISO/MX-19.1_x64.iso",
"archive": "/driver/mx-driver.tar.gz"
"image": "/ubuntu-*-desktop-amd64.iso",
"archive": "/driver/ubuntu-driver.tar.bz2"
"image": "/windows_10_*.iso",
"archive": "/driver/"

That way, as we update the ISO files on the USB drive, the injection still works without having to modify ventoy.json each time and for every single iso
It is theoretically possible, but it is very troublesome to implement.
I think it is NOT a problem that affects basic functions.
Of course it isn't a problem--it just makes it easier for situations where you have multiple windows 10 iso files (as I do) on my usb device--each time I update I need to edit the file and with wildcard support I would very rarely need to modify ventoy.json. I typically have anywhere from 4 to 7 windows 10 ISOs--there are the business/enterprise editions, consumer editions, and then for each of those I typically carry the most recent version and the version prior, like 2004 and 1909 of each of those (minimum). I have a few customized ones as well on my larger 1TB SSD USB.

Just hoping you would at some point consider it.
Same function would be usefull for autoinstall files.

It could be wildcards or folders, you select a folder in wich every iso would have the injection file or the autoinstall file
(08-23-2020, 09:59 AM)Matlox Wrote: [ -> ]Same function would be usefull for autoinstall files.

It could be wildcards or folders, you select a folder in wich every iso would have the injection file or the autoinstall file

Folder may be a good idea.