Windoes 11 23H2 build 22631.3155 Ventoy 1.097 when creating ventoy usb with ether proteced mode on or off, MBR or GPT does not create
any subdirectories on samsung 64 gig usb drive
Ventoy only formats Partition 1. No files or folders are created. This is normal.
If you want your ISO files to be in a folder, then simply create the folders that you want yourself.
(02-18-2024, 09:06 AM)Steve2926 Wrote: [ -> ]Ventoy only formats Partition 1. No files or folders are created. This is normal.
If you want your ISO files to be in a folder, then simply create the folders that you want yourself.
Thank you I am following this tutorial ""at 5:00
it implyes that ventoy creates both the ventoy and VENTOYEFI subdirectors and by just copying the desired .iso to the ventoy dir they will be avcalable on boot? Sorry to be obtuce.
When using Windows, Windows may not show the 2nd VTOYEFI partition (it hides it and does not give it a drive letter).
So you may see the USB drive in Windows Explorer as just D: or E: or another letter.
So just copy your ISO files to that drive.
(02-19-2024, 01:12 PM)Steve2926 Wrote: [ -> ]When using Windows, Windows may not show the 2nd VTOYEFI partition (it hides it and does not give it a drive letter).
So you may see the USB drive in Windows Explorer as just D: or E: or another letter.
So just copy your ISO files to that drive.
and if you want to 'see' that VTOYEFI partition, just give it a drive letter. This business 'threw' me at first too.
There is no reason to access the vtoyefi partition, it should not be changed.
(02-21-2024, 07:40 PM)Steve2926 Wrote: [ -> ]There is no reason to access the vtoyefi partition, it should not be changed.
I don't want to change it - I just want to 'see' it if its there.