08-04-2023, 12:12 PM
Added a "hot" button "F8" which automatically changes the font (and icon sizes, adjusting from under the font height) in a circle, which are added to the ventoy catalog and set in the main theme.
I will repeat the phrase from the official document (topic plugin section):
About the display resolution _fit (1.0.86+)
"It is well known that the effect of displaying background images, icons, text, etc. in a theme depends largely on the resolution. One theme can look beautiful in one resolution, but look ugly in another resolution..."
I offer my solution, which consists in sorting fonts of different heights for comfortable reading.
We add fonts of different sizes to the ventoy folder, for example:
dejavu_32.pf2, fixedsys-regular-32.pf2 and terminus-12.pf2
and that's what we get. Home Screen:
Press "F8":
Press "F8" again:
Press "F8" again:
The next press on "F8" will return the initial font.
Example video
For more information, see the "HELP" section in GUI plugin configurator -- VentoyPluson or in the files "Difference_original_version.txt ", "与原始版本的差异.txt " or "Difference_from_the_original_version.txt ".
fork website address https://gitflic.ru/project/alexbryansk/mod-ventoy with the source code
download ventoy-mod_1.0.94-linux.tar.gz , ventoy-mod_1.0.94-windows.zip
I will repeat the phrase from the official document (topic plugin section):
About the display resolution _fit (1.0.86+)
"It is well known that the effect of displaying background images, icons, text, etc. in a theme depends largely on the resolution. One theme can look beautiful in one resolution, but look ugly in another resolution..."
I offer my solution, which consists in sorting fonts of different heights for comfortable reading.
We add fonts of different sizes to the ventoy folder, for example:
dejavu_32.pf2, fixedsys-regular-32.pf2 and terminus-12.pf2
and that's what we get. Home Screen:
Press "F8":
Press "F8" again:
Press "F8" again:
The next press on "F8" will return the initial font.
Example video
For more information, see the "HELP" section in GUI plugin configurator -- VentoyPluson or in the files "Difference_original_version.txt ", "与原始版本的差异.txt " or "Difference_from_the_original_version.txt ".
fork website address https://gitflic.ru/project/alexbryansk/mod-ventoy with the source code
download ventoy-mod_1.0.94-linux.tar.gz , ventoy-mod_1.0.94-windows.zip