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Full Version: Ventoy-1.0.76 release
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  • 2022/06/12 --- 1.0.76 release
  1. Enable secure boot support option by default when install Ventoy. Notes

  2. Fix the issue when enrolling key for secure boot with Super UEFIinSecureBoot Disk v3-3.

  3. Auto use memdisk/grub2/wimboot mode if the ISO file name contains special identifier. Notes

  4. Fix a bug when booting linux vdisk (.vtoy) file in Legacy BIOS mode with F2 or ventoy_grub.cfg.

  5. Support EasyOS partition resize at the first boot time.

  6. Support EasyOS 4.0

  7. Support Stratodesk NoTouch OS. (#1652)

  8. Update languages.json

  9. New ISO support (total 900+)
[Image: hinh-anh-trai-tim-6.jpg]