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Full Version: 批处理,一件加载ISO至指定盘符,适用于Gandalf那个PE
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使用VENTOY启动Gandalf PE之后。并不能自动加载ISO至Y盘。于是写了个批处理。利用Gandalf PE卷标“Win10PESE” 自动加载ISO同时调整至Y盘盘符


@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

cd /d "%~dp0"
SET CurDir=%CD%

explorer.exe "%CurDir%\Windows_PE_Gandalf_tools.iso"

ping 127.1 -n 5 >nul

for %%i in (Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C) do (
  vol %%i:|findstr "Win10PESE">nul&& set drivername=%%i:\)

mountvol >%CurDir%\volname.txt

for /f "delims=" %%j in ('type "%CurDir%\volname.txt"') do (
set "str=%%j"
>>$ echo,!str: =!
move $ "%CurDir%\volname.txt" >nul

for /f "delims=" %%c in (%CurDir%\volname.txt) do if "%%c"=="%drivername%" (set guid=!char! &goto :end) else (set char=%%c)

echo %drivername%
echo %guid%
echo y | del %CurDir%\volname.txt
mountvol %drivername% /D
mountvol Y:\ %guid%
pause >nul