First of all, thank you for Ventoy!
I have an obscure windows 10 tablet which appears to be 32 bit.
It only supports OTG USB connection and the boot manager does not recognise any USB drives.
I've managed to get into the Intel EFI shell.
My Ventoy USB is available here.
I type...
mount fs1 usb
cd efi/boot
...and I get...
"Image type X64 is not supported by this IA32 shell"
...which I presume is because the tablet is 32 bit.
How do I use Ventoy on here?
If your CPU is 32-bit then it cannot run 64-bit code and it will have a 32-bit UEFI BIOS, so you need to boot from BOOTIA32.EFI
(02-15-2021, 08:53 PM)Steve2926 Wrote: [ -> ]If your CPU is 32-bit then it cannot run 64-bit code and it will have a 32-bit UEFI BIOS, so you need to boot from BOOTIA32.EFI
Thank you - there is no BOOTIA32.EFI code in Ventoy that I can find.
The machine has a 64 bit processor but only a 32 bit UEFI bios.
I've managed to get Win10 32 bit installed but the processor is showing as 64 bit!
It only has a 32G storage so I was going to put linux or cloudready on it.
So I've copied the bootia32.efi file from here...
...into the efi/boot directory.
Now, Ventoy will boot but I'm just taken to the grub shell.
However, if I pop bootia32.efi into the efi/boot directory of a Ubuntu64 install USB, everything boots correctly.
What now?
(02-17-2021, 04:53 PM)molmagman Wrote: [ -> ]So I've copied the bootia32.efi file from here...
...into the efi/boot directory.
Now, Ventoy will boot but I'm just taken to the grub shell.
However, if I pop bootia32.efi into the efi/boot directory of a Ubuntu64 install USB, everything boots correctly.
What now?
have you tryed to use last version of Ventoy, support for tablets bios ia32 was introduced only from 1.0.30, from this version i use it to boot a tablet ia32 without problems
(02-17-2021, 05:34 PM)lucdeluc1 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-17-2021, 04:53 PM)molmagman Wrote: [ -> ]So I've copied the bootia32.efi file from here...
...into the efi/boot directory.
Now, Ventoy will boot but I'm just taken to the grub shell.
However, if I pop bootia32.efi into the efi/boot directory of a Ubuntu64 install USB, everything boots correctly.
What now?
have you tryed to use last version of Ventoy, support for tablets bios ia32 was introduced only from 1.0.30, from this version i use it to boot a tablet ia32 without problems
Would you please tell us know the tablet you used so we could look up its specs?
I would like to try Ventoy with an Asus T100TA, which has this 32bit uefi 64bit processor issue in these Windows 8.1. vintage tablets.
This tablet also has issues with c state settings which are claimed to be fixed in more recent distros, making Ventoy an ideal testing platform to see which one works best.
Thank you for your response.
The tablet is strange - I can find no information about it anywhere.
It is this one...
...manufactured by Hidon in China I think.
I have managed to get Ubuntu 64 bit to install simply by including bootia32.efi in the efi/boot directory. this let the tablet boot and then it sees the 64 bit installer.
Thanks. Your tablet directly tests ARM support instead of these Atom Z3740 processors.
(02-18-2021, 02:01 AM)Burnonbigriver Wrote: [ -> ] (02-17-2021, 05:34 PM)lucdeluc1 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-17-2021, 04:53 PM)molmagman Wrote: [ -> ]So I've copied the bootia32.efi file from here...
...into the efi/boot directory.
Now, Ventoy will boot but I'm just taken to the grub shell.
However, if I pop bootia32.efi into the efi/boot directory of a Ubuntu64 install USB, everything boots correctly.
What now?
have you tryed to use last version of Ventoy, support for tablets bios ia32 was introduced only from 1.0.30, from this version i use it to boot a tablet ia32 without problems
Would you please tell us know the tablet you used so we could look up its specs?
I would like to try Ventoy with an Asus T100TA, which has this 32bit uefi 64bit processor issue in these Windows 8.1. vintage tablets.
This tablet also has issues with c state settings which are claimed to be fixed in more recent distros, making Ventoy an ideal testing platform to see which one works best.
i have tested ventoy 1.0.35 on an asus t100ta without problems , also have tested on a tablet without name ia32 z8300 with success
I have a tablet with cherrytrail processor 32efi bios and 64bit processor. I can boot fatdog64-811 and fatdog64-721 and all the puppy linux 64bit-uefi images with yumi. I'm switching to ventoy 1.039 and it can boot the other puppy images fine but not the fatdog iso images. fyi fatdog iso's has its own efiboot.img file. ventoy boots fatdog64-811 fine a 64efibios but not fatdog64-721.. (I actually love using it to edit my 1st partition in ventoy because it doesn't mount any partitions when booting to ram only) I tried renaming bootia32.efi to lowercase in ventoy 2nd partition but no go. how should the ventoy.json look like for booting "Fatdog64-811.iso" with ia32? thanks
P.S I noticed in the ia32 documentation you don't have access to a ia32 device and I'm willing to help out when needed.